Ulysses is a popular writing application for macOS and iOS devices. Lauded by journalists and reviewers, Ulysses provides lots of useful features and nice touches for people who write professionally. The theming and export options are second to none.

Unfortunately, using Ulysses to write in Markdown is an exercise in frustration. The application supports a subset of the Markdown syntax, but support for many syntax elements is notably absent. Even worse, support for some elements is provided using non-standard notation. Ulysses might not be your first choice if you’re wanting to write exclusively in Markdown.

Ulysses application with a Markdown file

Dukungan Markdown Ulysses

Ulysses menyediakan dukungan elemen-elemen Markdown berikut ini.

Elemen Dokumen Dukungan Catatan
Judul Ya Alternative syntax is not supported.
Paragraf Ya
Ganti Baris Ya In addition to trailing whitespace, you can also press the Return key once to achieve the same result.
Tulisan Tebal Ya
Tulisan Miring Ya
Kutipan Ya
Daftar Bernomor Ya
Daftar Tanpa Nomor Ya
Kode/Perintah Sebagian Code blocks are not supported.
Garis Mendatar Sebagian Must use four dashes (----).
Tautan (Rujukan) Tidak The Markdown syntax is not supported, but you can add links by using the Markup menu.
Gambar Tidak The Markdown syntax is not supported, but you can add images by using the Markup menu.
Tabel Tidak
Blok Kode/Program Tidak The Markdown syntax is not supported, but you can add code blocks by using the Markup menu.
Penyorotan Sintaks Tidak The Markdown syntax is not supported, but you can specify the language by using the interface.
Catatan Kaki Tidak The Markdown syntax is not supported, but you can add footnotes by using the Markup menu.
Nama (ID) Judul Tidak
Daftar Istilah Tidak
Tulisan Dicoret Sebagian The Markdown syntax is not supported, but you can use two pipes on either end of a word or phrase (||cross this out||).
Daftar Tugas Ya You don’t have to use dashes. Just use brackets (e.g., [ ]).
Emoji/Ikon emosi (salin dan tempel) Ya
Emoji/Ikon emosi (kode) Tidak
Tautan/Rujukan URL Otomatis Tidak
Menon-aktifkan Tautan/Rujukan URL Ya You don’t need to use this since URLs aren’t automatically linked.
Perintah/tag HTML Tidak

Support for Additional Syntax Elements

As an added bonus, Ulysses provides support for several obscure elements.

Element Markdown Rendered Output
Highlight ::word or phrase:: word or phrase
Sampul buku Markdown Guide
Tingkatkan keterampilan Markdown Anda

Pelajari Markdown dalam 60 halaman. Dirancang untuk pemula dan ahli, buku Panduan Markdown ini adalah referensi komprehensif yang memiliki semua yang Anda butuhkan untuk memulai dan menguasai sintaks Markdown.

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