Mark Text is a popular free and open-source document editor designed exclusively for writing in Markdown. Like Typora, Mark Text has a polished interface and a live editor that hides the Markdown formatting after you type it. The PDF and HTML export options are handy, as is the feature that allows you to copy text out of the editor as Markdown, HTML, or plaintext.

There are some minor annoyances. In several instances (noted below in the table), the appearance of the text in the application didn’t match the rendered output of the exported HTML and PDF. And as with Notion, it can be difficult to edit Markdown-formatted text after the live editor has converted it.

Dukungan Markdown Mark Text

Mark Text menyediakan dukungan elemen-elemen Markdown berikut ini.

Elemen Dokumen Dukungan Catatan
Judul Ya
Paragraf Ya
Ganti Baris Ya There’s a discrepancy between the Mark Text editor and the rendered output when you press the Return key once — that does not create a line break in the exported HTML and PDF. You must use trailing whitespace or a trailing backslash (\).
Tulisan Tebal Ya
Tulisan Miring Ya
Kutipan Ya
Daftar Bernomor Ya
Daftar Tanpa Nomor Ya
Kode/Perintah Ya
Garis Mendatar Ya
Tautan (Rujukan) Ya For some reason, angle brackets for URLs and email addresses are rendered literally in the Mark Text editor. It’s a minor issue since the links are rendered correctly in the exported HTML and PDF.
Gambar Ya
Tabel Ya
Blok Kode/Program Ya
Penyorotan Sintaks Ya
Catatan Kaki Tidak
Nama (ID) Judul Tidak
Daftar Istilah Tidak
Tulisan Dicoret Ya You can use two tildes (~~word~~) or one tilde (~word~) — both work in the exported HTML and PDF even though the Mark Text editor only renders strikethrough with two tildes.
Daftar Tugas Ya
Emoji/Ikon emosi (salin dan tempel) Ya
Emoji/Ikon emosi (kode) Ya
Tautan/Rujukan URL Otomatis Ya
Menon-aktifkan Tautan/Rujukan URL Ya
Perintah/tag HTML Ya

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