iA Writer is one of the most established and widely-acclaimed Markdown editors. Considered to be a “gold standard” Markdown editor, iA Writer is available for devices running macOS, Windows, iOS, and Android operating systems. The application allows you to export Markdown files to HTML, PDF, and Microsoft Word file format using custom templates.

One of the hallmarks of the application is focus mode. When enabled, that feature keeps the sentence you’re currently working on horizontally centered, as shown in the screenshot below. It feels a little like using a typewriter.

iA Writer in focus mode

There are a couple of quirks you should be aware of. iA Writer doesn’t save new files with the Markdown extension (.md) by default. If you plan to exclusively create Markdown files using iA Writer, you should change the default extension to .md in Preferences > Files.

The Preview button is the little triangle button in the top-right corner of the window. You can click that to preview the output, and then click it again to return to the source.

Dukungan Markdown iA Writer

iA Writer menyediakan dukungan elemen-elemen Markdown berikut ini.

Elemen Dokumen Dukungan Catatan
Judul Ya
Paragraf Ya
Ganti Baris Ya You can use a trailing backslash (\) instead of trailing whitespace.
Tulisan Tebal Ya
Tulisan Miring Ya
Kutipan Ya
Daftar Bernomor Ya
Daftar Tanpa Nomor Ya
Kode/Perintah Ya
Garis Mendatar Ya
Tautan (Rujukan) Ya
Gambar Ya
Tabel Ya
Blok Kode/Program Ya
Penyorotan Sintaks Ya
Catatan Kaki Ya
Nama (ID) Judul Sebagian Automatically generated. There’s no way to set custom heading IDs.
Daftar Istilah Ya
Tulisan Dicoret Ya
Daftar Tugas Ya
Emoji/Ikon emosi (salin dan tempel) Ya
Emoji/Ikon emosi (kode) Tidak
Tautan/Rujukan URL Otomatis Tidak
Menon-aktifkan Tautan/Rujukan URL Ya You don’t need to use this since URLs aren’t automatically linked.
Perintah/tag HTML Ya

Support for Additional Syntax Elements

As an added bonus, iA Writer provides support for several obscure elements.

Element Markdown Rendered Output
Abbreviation *[HTML]: Hyper Text Markup Language
The HTML specification is maintained by the W3C.
The HTML specification is maintained by the W3C.
Subscript H~2~O H2O
Superscript X^2^ X2

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